Friday 13 August 2021

coin Operated

Malo lelei everyone this slide is about a boy that wanted to go to space and there was an rocketship at the side of an shop so he jump of eximent so he jumped in and he thought he was going to the moon but he didn't and he wanted to go one more time but he was out of couins he was gonna giveup going to space but he saw an lemon box so he started an lemon shop he did for hes hole life so he finally he closed his shop and he went for a walked and he saw the rocket ship from his childhood o he put all of his coins in and he hoped in and pressed the yellow batton but nothing happend so he smacked the machine and it went flying. Have you made a story that needs one hundred words?


  1. Hi Fetongi
    I like your post it is really cool. I like writing about the cone operative filme but...
    I can not see your writing maybe you could ctrl-c and then ctrl-v the writing in the document?
    Rose room 7

  2. Fetongi you have thought carefully about the 100 word story. You have things in the right order which is great...remember to work out where your sentences need to be.
    Thanks for posting, Deb

  3. Hi Fetongi! Coco here from Rm 8
    Like your story, I did one as well!
    and the video!
    blog ya later!

